A legacy that will live on.
The people who founded Luther Park Bible Camp back in 1932 were people of vision.
The vision was that future generations would need and appreciate a place like Luther Park where people would gather around the Word, hear and heed the call of God in Christ, and build their lives upon the same faith that sustained the founders. In order to financially support that mission early donors established what is now known as the Endowment Fund, a Fund to which gifts are made to principal and only the interest is distributed.
A gift to the Endowment Fund will continue to benefit Luther Park long beyond our lifetimes and will assure that the Park will have the means to provide opportunities for people of all ages to be drawn close to Christ, the church and each other. Currently, 90% of the annual Fund income is distributed to the Park to fund camperships. As the fees charged by the Camp do not cover the the actual costs for the campers, these distributions make it possible for the Camp to offer a Christian camp experience to all who desire to do so.
There are many ways in which a gift to the Endowment Fund may be made during one’s lifetime or in a testamentary document (will, testamentary trust, etc.). Further general information can be provided by contacting Luther Park but specific information should be obtained from your investment adviser or attorney.
Let us continue the vision of the early founders for our current and future generations!!
Additional information about the Endowment and how to donate is available from the camp. Contact us at 715-859-2215 or email [email protected].