I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

LPBC Branches are a dedicated community of monthly supporters who passionately embrace Luther Park’s vision of expanding our ministry of the Gospel across all our sites, to all people, and throughout all times of the year. By establishing a monthly recurring gift, you help to strengthen and stabilize our Annual Fund, providing essential support to Luther Park Bible Camp. With the collective commitment of LPBC Branches, Luther Park can advance its mission to unite all of God’s children in Christian fellowship, foster faith, cultivate leadership skills, and serve others.

The Difference Monthly Giving Can Make


Through Luther Park’s online giving system, you can easily set up a regular, recurring gift via electronic fund transfer or credit/debit card on a schedule that suits you. This simple action makes a lasting impact. Why join LPBC Branches? Beyond helping Luther Park Bible Camp stabilize income, your consistent support directly enables us to fulfill our mission.


helps to cover the cost of a week’s salary for a summer staff.


helps cover the cost of program supplies and food for a week of camp.


helps to cover the cost of attending a week of camp for approximately two campers.