Building And Rejoicing
Capital Campaign
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The Capital Campaign FAQ Brochure!
Q) What is the Building and Rejoicing Capital Campaign?
A) A capital campaign to fund the building of a new Ministry Center and make needed renovations to the current Dining Hall.
Q) What will happen to the existing Chapel?
A) The intention is to keep a portion of the existing chapel building, including the fireplace and some of the old beautiful trusses to create an open-air pavilion with the original iconic curved roof line.
Q) We’ve been hearing about a campaign for a couple of years,
what is taking so long?
A) The Luther Park Board approved proceeding with the capital campaign in January 2018 after a necessary study period. Much of the early work of a campaign is done quietly and behind the scenes for optimum results. The work of planning, preparing campaign materials and receiving a few early lead gifts has been underway since the Board’s approval in January, 2018. Running a successful campaign requires careful planning and implementation before the campaign is publicly rolled out.
Q) What is the focus of the campaign?
A) To build an energy efficient Ministry Center, which will provide adequate storm shelter space, an updated Chapel that seats 288 people,
additional restroom facilities, housing, as well as provide much needed indoor space for inclement weather. The Dining Hall renovation will add
restrooms, storage, a meeting room, and update the kitchen.
Q) Does donating for the campaign cover the camp’s annual ministry costs?
A) It’s important to note that any donations to the capital campaign should be over and above normal giving to the camp ministry. There is
so much involved to keeping LPBC healthy and functional for year-round ministry that annual donations are still a priority and much needed.
Q) How long will this process take?
A) Gifts can be made as a one-time donation at any time. Pledges for gifts can occur over the course of 3 years. Depending on the timing of
the receipt of pledges and gifts, the campaign could potentially span 4-5 years. With a commitment to financial prudence, it is hoped
to break ground for this project in 2 years, more or less. This decision will be based on the amount of pledges and gifts in hand at the time
to warrant commencement of construction.
Q) What is the expense of maintaining a new Ministry Center once it is built?
A) Because of the energy efficiency of the building and the capacity for year-round use and other functions, it’s estimated that the
Ministry Center will add income annually after expenses. Additional expenses for the building should be less than 25% of the revenue generated by the building.
Q) What are ways to give in addition to writings check?
A) Gifts can come in many forms: CD’s and other investments, gifts of stock, roll-overs from your IRA, land sales, gifts-in-kind and volunteer labor.
Q) Why are we starting with these projects over others?
A) There is a tremendous need for a larger, energy efficient building that is usable yearround and has an adequate storm shelter, restrooms and summer staff housing. Our camper numbers have grown more than 60% since 2012, and there are increased demands by non-summer events and guests.
These projects allow the camp to meet both the immediate needs of summer and yearround growth. We look for success with this campaign and look ahead to future projects to enhance Luther Park for years to come.